Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2012

Sharia Contract

Contract are used to keep something stay on his track. Unconsciously man has created many contract in all aspect of life. With this contract a man can be said as a social creature, because a contract requires minimum 2 people to create a simple contract. Example, some one created  contract with another in terms cooperation, so unconsciously some one was bound with the contract.

Adapun rukun dan syarat sebuah akad :
  • Adanya dua orang atau lebih dalam keadaan sehat ketika membuat sebuah akad;
  • Adanya Ijab Qabul;
  • Benda yang di akadkan.
Jenis-jenis kerja sama ekonomi dalam Islam

Sabtu, 22 September 2012

Discuss About Business Process of Syariah,,

Today most of people has know about Sharia  and discuss it. Different if we looking back a few years ago where people never know about Sharia, but now Sharia concept has envolved into every activities mostly of economic structure. Westerners has been admitedd about Sharia concept and applying it into they economic activities, like bank, process business, etc.

Lalu apa itu syariah,,
" Syariah (berarti jalan besar) dalam makna generik adalah keseluruhan ajaran Islam itu sendiri (42 :13). Dalam pengertian teknis-ilmiah syariah mencakup aspek hukum dari ajaran Islam, yang lebih berorientasi pada aspek lahir."